For Sundays, I decided to throw my blog to a guest blogger and have him answer questions about parenting and spirituality. I know that not everyone who reads my blogs are Christians but hopefully you can find sage advice and guidance on these posts regardless of that. Let me introduce my guest blogger to you so that you can properly be acquainted.
The Father who will be writing my Sunday posts is Nick Pridemore. Nick is one of my oldest friends as he introduced the gospel to me when we were 15 years old in our physical science class. He continually pestered me to go to church until I gave in and when I did, I also gave my heart to Jesus Christ. I will never forget the part he played to leading me to Jesus. I have been following Christ since and I owe that first step to a boy not being afraid to witness about his own faith.
Since we graduated high school in 1998 (gasp) Nick has gone to do many great things including marrying a beautiful woman (Merry Pridemore) and having three gorgeous children; Calvin, Adison, and Amelia Pridemore. He is also a college pastor in Bloomington, Indiana and is FOREVER a United States Marine. I will let Nick introduce himself more to you through his writing, humor, and love of the gospel. I will tell you this, his credentials come highly recommended by me. He happens to be Maxwell's god-father as well. I go to him for many spiritually based parenting questions and I hope you will too. Please feel free to email any questions for Nick to
Each week I will give Nick a reader question or a question of mine and ask him to write about it here. I have encouraged Nick to take whatever form he wishes, recommend reading for us, and break it down in whatever humor he would like. I trust him implicitly so I am excited about him doing Sunday's posts. Next week, stay tuned for our first question!
--Anthony, Erica, & Maxwell--
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