Monday, February 18, 2013

Home Sweet Home and lessons learned

Well, here we are looking at Max being 4 weeks old tomorrow and this is what I have learned about being a parent of a preemie. It's hard work!!! Being a parent period is hard work but this journey of having someone so tiny to worry about it is something I could have never imagined. I have always looked up to people who are great parents and thought it would not be something I would be good at. I'm not sure my feelings have changed much with having my sweet boy home for a whole week.

Anthony is back to work and I have Max by myself from about 1 in the afternoon until Anthony gets home around 11 at night. It's not so bad to be alone with him and doing the parenting tasks as much as I miss the adult contact giving me moral support in what I am doing. Luckily I have great friends who continue to text and make sure I am surviving new motherhood. Anthony also calls about 3 times per night just to make sure we are okay.

The hardest part I have learned is taking care of myself while taking care of Max. I have always heard this from multiple moms but with Type I diabetes, it's not as if I can just stop caring for myself. If I stop caring for me, I stop caring for Max. I find it hard to remember my meds, blood tests, and to eat enough meals and snacks. Between diapers, his feedings, and trying to get my life back together after 3 weeks away...I run out of time and energy. This all was to be expected and not one part of me is complaining...I love being a mom. Max is wonderful and I am so grateful for his life!

In saying that, I thought I would write a few little learning nuggets from our first real week at home. Enjoy

Being a mom means....

-- Two hours of sleep is like getting a full nights sleep. It's awesome!

-- Poop looks way different coming out into your hand than it does in the diaper. I am thankful for when it's already arrived in the diaper

-- The guilt that arrives once you are a mom is painful. Guilt about going to sleep, guilt about putting him down to do dishes, guilt for running to wal-mart, etc...GUILT GUILT GUILT

-- Doing the right thing for your child will make others mad. That used to be able to bother me but since it's about Max...I DO NOT CARE AND I LIKE IT!

Thank you all for stopping in and hoping to receive his photos in a few days from the hospital. I can't wait to share him with you all.


Anthony, Erica, & Maxwell

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